12 June 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Fifteenth Edition

For today, Thirteen Things I'm EXCITED About!

1. Hubby's birthday is TODAY!!
2. My parents' anniversary is TODAY!!
3. My birthday is TOMORROW!!
4. Our friend Prem is coming to visit tomorrow!
5. Hubby and I are taking a trip in July!
6. My cousin is having TWINS - and her shower is later this month!
7. Jake and Katrina had their baby!!
8. Maggie's birthday is NEXT MONTH!!
9. Summer looks like it's here!
10. Maggie slept - without nursing - for six and a half hours straight last night!
11. I have Better Made Sweet BBQ chips!
12. I have Skittles!
13. I'm married to the love of my life and have a beautiful baby!!!

(list not in order of importance entirely ;) )


Michelle said...

What a great list. Tell your mom and dad I said Happy Anniversary. I always like hearing your mom tell the story of how your parents met. It's soooo very sweet. Thanks for stopping by my TT.

siteseer said...

Looks like your life is sweet and like ours just keeps getting better and better.