What a beautiful day! Maggie and I had the day to do whatever we wanted, since I finished all the hours I was allowed to work as of yesterday. This morning we mostly chilled and played, but this afternoon, I had things we could accomplish!
After her bath, we headed to the store to get diapers, wipes, laundry stuff..you know, another fun $75 that will be used to deal with poopies. But while we were out, the car was taunting me with the outside temperature display - it was 54 degrees! Woo-hoo!! Once we got back from the store, I put her straight from the carseat to the stroller and we headed out for a walk. Beautiful days like this in Michigan are yet another reason moms don't need home gyms; a walk may not sound like much, but pushing that stroller through the mud was a workout! It was worth it though. Maggie loves the wind in her hair and really enjoyed our walk. :)
Moms also have squiggly little hand weights, lol.
Why is pooping so expensive for babies?
I figure once I actually get my twins potty trained I will be able to save enough $$ to buy a new computer.
Hah, pooping isn't expensive for babies, it's expensive for mommies and daddies! ;)
I'll tell ya, I swear by cloth to save money. My sisters won't touch it, but I love every minute of it.
Yay for good weather! I won't tell you how nice it's been here. ;)
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