02 November 2007

Home Sweet Home?

This should be my last day of posting from someone else's apartment. We're supposed to have our phone turned on on Monday, so then I'll be able to stay 'home' and use the dial-up internet instead of mooching off someone else's wireless while he's at work. See, we thought it would be easier - in the U.S., you can usually pick up some drive by wi-fi and just use your neighbor's network. And no one really cares. Here, they turn it off when they're not using it, or do whatever sneaky tricks there are to secure it. So we have to figure out how to legitimately have our own. Hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later on Monday...I sure do appreciate the hospitality we've been shown so far, but I'm beginning to feel like dead weight...Fish and visitors start to smell bad after three days...


Anonymous said...

YAY for internet!

Steph said...

I hope it gets set up on Monday early and you can be in the privacy of your own apartment.

Jaime said...

Fish and visitors start to smell bad after three days...

LOL! At least it's not the visitors smelling like Fish.

SOOO Glad you made it safely!!

Anonymous said...

Hope it all works out for you!

Tiffany said...

I'm glad it's going well for you!!! Can't wait for you to have your own internet to tell us all the stories!

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

You really should be able to blog from home in your jammies :)