13 May 2004

Off for another mini-vacation tomorrow! Going to the Tail of the Dragon with the guys from the car board....
I'll be sharing a room with my brother and my boyfriend. So it only made sense to call the hotel and ask for a rollaway or cot or something. The desk boy said they have nothing. Umm....huh? Really, do you think I would be able to sleep in a bed with either my brother or my boyfriend in this situation? No. The hotel said they'd try to scare up an air mattress for me....

On the job front, had a very good meeting yesterday. I went to apply with Manpower for temp work. They only have one coming up in a couple weeks, that happens to be secretarial (I'd wayyyy prefer data entry, even for less money). I told the nice girl if nothing comes up before then, I'd be happy to interview for it. She said okay but also said another woman in the office wanted to talk to me. I thought it was odd that they'd have different opportunities, but whatever.
Turns out the other woman is the manager, and they're looking for someone in their office - she wants to interview me within the next couple weeks! Yippee! I think that sounds like a fun job. Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogger comments are AWFUL! Great news about the Manpower job possibility, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Have a great weekend!
